How to Download latest Voter list

 To download the Voter List in India, also known as the Electoral Roll, follow these steps:

1. Visit the website of the Election Commission of India (ECI) at karnataka voter list visit

2. Click on the "National Voters' Service Portal" link, which can be found under the "Voter Information" section on the homepage.

3. Click on the "Download Electoral Roll" option.

4. Select the state and the Assembly/Parliamentary Constituency for which you want to download the Voter List.

5. Select the language in which you want to download the Voter List.

6. Select the Part Number of the Voter List for the polling booth or area you want to download.

7. Once you have selected the above options, click on the "Download" button.

8. The Voter List will be downloaded in PDF format. You can save it or take a printout for future reference.

Note: The availability of the Voter List for download may vary depending on the state and the current election schedule. If the Voter List is not available for download, you can contact the Election Commission office or the local Electoral Registration Office for assistance.

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