Fit India Quiz 2023: Win Cash Prize worth 3.25 Crore

Fit India Quiz 2023

Mode of test:

Internet Based Test (Online Test). Candidates can take the test from their location on Android Mobile Phones. They need not visit any test centre.

Pattern of test:

Objective type comprising Multiple Choice Questions


Students studying in Class 1-12 in any school in India can participate

Who can apply:

Any school (under any Board/CBSE) can register and nominate their students to participate in the Quiz. Individual candidates cannot apply. They have to be nominated by their respective school.

How to apply:

Applications can be submitted by Schools, online only, at

Submission of online applications :

From 04.09.2023 to 05.10.2023 

Fit India Quiz 2022 is India’s biggest quiz on sports and fitness with the cash prize of ₹ 3.25 crore to school and students. It gives a unique platform to students from each and every nook and corner of the country to showcase their knowledge in sports and fitness and providing opportunity to feature on National Television. In its first edition, Fit India Quiz 2021, a total of 36,299 students from 13,502 schools participated in the Fit India Quiz. In the national finals, state/UT champions from 36 state/UTs competed in the national rounds. 40% of the schools featured in the National Rounds were government schools.

In the second edition, Fit India Quiz 2022, 61,981 students from 16,702 schools participated in the preliminary rounds held on 8th & 9th December 2022. These 16,702 schools were located in 702 districts of India. The state/UT rounds for Fit India Quiz 2022 will be held in the month of April 2023 followed by national finals in the month of June 2023

The 3rd edition of the Fit India Quiz was officially launched by the Hon’ble Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, on August 29th, 2023, in celebration of National Sports Day. The Fit India Quiz 2023 follows the resounding success of its predecessors, Fit India Quiz 2021 and Fit India Quiz 2022, and is designed to raise awareness about health, fitness, and our rich sporting culture, including indigenous games, among school-going children.

Registrations for schools are now open.

To register, visit-

How to register 

Public Notice

About National Testing Agency (NTA)

The Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India (GOI) has established the National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent, autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing organization under the Societies Registration Act (1860) for conducting efficient, transparent and international standards tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher education institutions

About Sports Authority of India

The Sports Authority of India (SAI), a successor organization of the Asian Games held in New Delhi in 1982, was set up as a Society registered of Societies Act, 1860 by the Department of Sports, Govt. of India with the objective of promotion of Sports and Games.

About Fit India Mission:

The Fit India Movement was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in August 2019 with a vision of encouraging every Indian citizen to adopt a physically active lifestyle. Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) is the nodal ministry for implementing the Fit India Movement in coordination with other stakeholders.

About Fit India Quiz 2023

To further propagate the message of Fit India Movement among the school children and strengthen its presence in schools, a Fit India Quiz has been envisioned to involve school children across the country. Fit India Quiz, while providing a national platform to students to showcase their knowledge about fitness and sports, also endeavors to create awareness among students about India’s rich sporting history, including centuries-old indigenous sports, our sporting heroes of the past and how traditional Indian lifestyle activities hold the key to a Fit Life for all.
Fit India Mission has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the preliminary round of the Fit India Quiz 2023 to NTA.

Guideline for Fit India Quiz 2023


Fit India Mission was launched by the Honorable Prime Minister in August 2019 with a vision to encourage every Indian citizen to adopt a physically active lifestyle. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports is the nodal ministry to implement the Fit India Mission in coordination with other partner ministries and institutions. The Fit India Mission aims to encourage citizens to incorporate easy-to-do physical activities into their daily lives to help them remain healthy. Again to raise awareness about the importance of physical fitness in daily life, Fit India Mission continuously conceptualizes and conducts various programs and campaigns.

2. Objective:

To take forward the message of Fit India Mission among school children and strengthen its presence in schools, a Fit India Quiz has been conceived to engage school children across the country. Fit India Quiz provides a national platform for students to showcase their knowledge of fitness and sports, and also seeks to create awareness among students about India's rich sporting history, dating back centuries. Swadeshi sports, our sports heroes of the past and traditional Indian games make us aware of the traditional Indian lifestyle to stay healthy.

3.Fit India Quiz 2021 & Fit India Quiz 2023:

In the first edition of Fit India Quiz, 36,299 students from 13,502 schools participated and showcased their knowledge in fitness and sports. A total of 61,981 students from 16,702 schools in 702 districts participated in the second edition launched on 29 August 2022. The  registration  and  preliminary  examination  of  Fit  India  Quiz  is organized  by  the National Testing Agency, which conducts prestigious examinations like JEE and NEET. The preliminary examination is conducted in 11 major local languages apart from English, Hindi.

4.Structure of Fit India Quiz 2023

The Fit India Quiz is conducted in three phases, the details of which are as follows:



•The school will have to conduct the first round of selection  of  students  internally  and  the  selected students will have to register for the preliminary round.
•Registration for the preliminary round will be open to all schools across India.
•Schools will be required to register a minimum of 2 students for the quiz on the link available on the NTA portal  which  is  available  on  the  Fit  India  Portal
( Schools can register no more than 2 students. There is no upper limit on the number of students from a single school who can register for the Fit India Quiz.
•Registration   Fee   Rs.   100   per   student   will   be applicable. The school has to deposit the registration fee for each student at the time of registration. Registration  and  payment  will  be  done  by  the schools by visiting the NTA portal registration link provided on the Fit India website

Preliminary Exam:

•Registered  students  will  compete  individually  on online platform hosted by NTA (National Testing Agency). There is no age limit set to participate in the Fit India Quiz. However, the questions in the quiz will be designed in such a way that students of class
8 and above can easily answer them.
•Provision will be made to have quiz questions in 13 languages- English, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Oriya, Assamese, Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu. However, in case of any discrepancy or invalidity, the questions in English language shall prevail.
•User name and password will be shared with the school and students before the preliminary examination.
• The quiz under the Preliminary Examination will be of  30  minutes  duration  and  will  consist  of  60
Multiple    Choice    Questions    (MCQs).    Negative
marking will be given for wrong answers (4 marks for each correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted
for each wrong answer).
• The preliminary exam can be taken on a specific
Android mobile application.
Note: This mobile application is not available on iOS

Preliminary Exam Evaluation & Result

•Students  will  be  assessed  on  the  basis  of  marks obtained in Preliminary Exam. If more than one student   obtains   the   same   marks,   the   younger student (age wise) will be ranked higher in the merit list.
•The school whose student will be in the merit list will qualify for the state round.
•Top ranked 4-32 schools from each State/UT will qualify for the next round as per the following table:

•If more than one student is from the same school in the merit list, the next student and school will secure a place, thereby qualifying his/her school for the state round.
•Eligible schools nominate one additional student as Quiz Partner from among the participants of the Preliminary Exam, at their discretion, to form a team of two quizzers for the State round. However, if more than one student qualifies for the same school, the team will consist of both qualified students.
•The details of the student who is enrolled as Quiz Partner should be entered by the eligible school on the Fit India website along with the bank details of the school and the students participating in the further rounds.
•Students appearing in the preliminary exam will get participation certificate. Recognition will be given to schools with maximum participation from the State/UT.


•    In the state round, teams from eligible schools will participate in a quiz conducted on the web platform.
•    Format:  Modalities  will  be  finalized  and  eligible schools will be informed


A total of 36 school teams winning the State Round i.e. one team per State/UT will participate in the National Round.
•Format:  Modalities  will  be  finalized  and  eligible schools will be informed

The questions will also include audio-visual and image-based questions to make the quiz interactive and interesting. The quiz will have questions from various topics as mentioned below

• History of Indian sports, traditional games/sports, yoga, personalities etc.
• Fitness with special emphasis on Indian traditional fitness methods
• Khelo India/Olympics/CWG/Asian Games etc.
• Questions based on various schemes of Government of India on sports promotion and fitness like Khelo India Scheme, TOPS, Fit India Mission
• Major domestic and international leagues and competitions – IPL, ISL, La
Liga, Big Bash League, F1/Moto Racing, Boxing etc.
•    Any  other  national/international  developments  regarding  sports  and fitness

The State and National rounds of the quiz will have innovative concepts including physical challenge/activity to make it fun, interactive and engaging for the audience. The quiz will also have multi-format including buzzer round and audio/video identification round etc.

5. Prize Structure for Fit India Quiz:

The Fit India quiz provides an opportunity for schools and students win cash prizes worth more than Rs 3 Crore. The detailed prize structure for the Fit India Quiz is as below:

6.   Tentative Timeline for the Fit India Quiz 

Launch of Fit India Quiz : 29th August 2023
Registrations:     4th September 2023 to 5th October 2023
Preliminary exam (including mock tests conducted by NTA) : 1st November to 8th November 2023
State Round : 1st December 2023    to 25th December 2023
National Round:     January 2023

7.   Role of Schools

•    The schools will be the key drivers for the propagation and promotion of the quiz within their respective schools which shall be essential for the greater success and participation from students.
•    The schools will be responsible for registering minimum two students for the quiz on the Fit India website and shall ensure fair selection process being carried out for the identifying the students.
•   The schools to pay the require registration fee per student.
•    The qualified school must nominate an additional student from the respective school as quiz partner, based on their discretion, for the State Round to form a team of two quizzers.
•   The schools to adhere to the guidelines as available on the Fit India website.
•   Schools to make necessary arrangements in case of travel etc for the students.

8.   Role of States/UTs

•   States/UTs to ensure wide publicity to Fit India Quiz and encourage to the schools to register and participate in the Fit India Quiz. The information on Fit India Quiz to be shared with all the schools in the state to ensure maximum participation.
•   States/UTs to support Fit India Mission in the conduct of State round in respective states/UTs

9.   Role of Fit India Mission

Fit India Mission under Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India shall be the chief benefactor for the Fit India Quiz and shall provide all necessary financial support and guidance to the stakeholders. The Fit India Mission will co-ordinate with the concerned state departments and facilitate in providing guidelines and defining SOPs at various stages of the Fit India Quiz.

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