State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) - 2023

Students in Classes 3, 6, and 9 will participate in the State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) in 2023

SEAS 2023
Language : Kannada
Year :2023-24
Board :  karnataka
State : karnataka
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The Karnataka School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Council (KSQAAC), in conjunction with the Department of School Education, Government of Karnataka, will conduct the State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) 2023 for children enrolled in Classes 3, 6, and 9.

According to the notification, on November 3, 2023, pupils from chosen schools will take the State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) 2023. The exam will consist of multiple choice questions (MCQs) on an OMR basis.

The exam will be administered in Kannada, English, Urdu, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, and Schools for State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) 2023 for children studying in Classes 3, 6, and 9 as DDG, MOE, PARAKH, and NCERT.


Class 3 exams will have 40 questions (20 questions for each subject), and they will last 60 minutes.

Class 6 exams will have 50 questions total—25 questions for each subject—and last 75 minutes.

The exam for class nine will last 90 minutes and include 60 questions (30 questions for each subject).

 The survey will include the Achievement Test (AT), Pupil Questionnaire (PQ), Teacher Questionnaire (TQ), and School Questionnaire (SQ). It will be administered with the Front of OMR (Side 1) AT and the Back of OMR (Side 2) PQ. For Class 6, the Field Investigator will shade the OMR answer chosen by the students, and Class 9 students will shade their own OMR answers.

The OMR sheet must have all the information filled in with English capital letters in a ballpoint pen (blue or black), with no option to change, overwrite, or amend the response.

State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) Model Question Papers 2023

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