Date of Birth : 1991
Gender : Male
Educational Qualification: Msc , B.Ed
Occupation : Lecturer
Phone Number : +917204892075
Email ID :
Working Address :
Pragathi PU College
Opposite Whitefield Railway Station
Bangalore 560067
Residential Address :
Opposite FCI
Bengaluru 560067
His Words: I am working as a Mathematics lecturer at Pragathi PU College. I have been teaching from 2012. I did my M.Sc in Mathematics and took up teaching after my education. I like to develop tools & learning material in my free time. I want to make students understand the concepts easily through technology. I feel they can understand better and remember longer when they see practically or through animations, videos etc. So I try to include as much of these in my teaching.
Ramakrishna's uploaded Files
- 2nd puc maths 1relations and functions materiasls 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 1relations and functions mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 2inverse trigonometric functions mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 3inverse trigonometric functions materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 3matrics materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 3matrics mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 4determinants materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 4determinants mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 5continuity and differentiablility materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 5continuity and differentiablility mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 6 application of derivatives materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 6 application of derivatives mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 7integrals mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 7integrals meterials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 8application of integrals mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 9differntial equations materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 9differntial equations mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 10vectors materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 10vectors mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 11three dimentional geometry materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 11three dimentional geometry mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 12linear programming materials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 13probability matrials 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths 13probability mcq 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-1 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-2 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-3 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-4 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-5 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-6 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-7 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-8 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-9 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-10 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample paper-11 2024-25 by rk.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample question paper-2 2023-24 by ramkrishna.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample question paper-3 2023-24 by ramkrishna.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample question paper-4 2023-24 by ramkrishna.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample question paper-5 2023-24 by ramkrishna.pdf
- 2nd puc maths sample question paper-15 2023-24 by ramkrishna.pdf
- 2nd puc maths study materials 2023-24 by ramakrishna.pdf
2nd PUC Maths MCQ's
- 01. relations and functions mcq.pdf
- 02. inverse trigonometeric functions mcq.pdf
- 03. matrices mcq.pdf
- 04. determinants mcq.pdf
- 05. continuity and differentiability mcq.pdf
- 06. application of derivatives mcq.pdf
- 07. integrals mcq.pdf
- 10. vectors mcq.pdf
- 11. three dimentional geometry mcq.pdf
- 12. linear programming mcq.pdf
13. probability mcq.pdf
2nd PUC Maths Chapter wise question and solutions
- 01. relations and functions.pdf
- 02. inverse trigonometeric functions.pdf
- 03. matrices.pdf
- 04. determinants.pdf
- 05. continuity and differentiability.pdf
- 06. application of derivatives.pdf
- 07. integrals.pdf
- 08. application of integrals.pdf
- 09. differential equations.pdf
- 10. vectors.pdf
- 11. three dimentional geometry.pdf
- 12. linear programming.pdf
13. probability.pdf
2nd PUC maths MCQ's
- 2nd puc maths-1. relations and functions mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-2. inverse trigonometric functions mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-3. matrics mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-4. determinants mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-5. continuity and differentiablility mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-7. integrals mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-10. vectors mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-11. three dimentional geometry mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
- 2nd puc maths-12. linear programming mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
2nd puc maths-13. probability mcqs by ramakrishna pragathi pu college.pdf
2nd PUC Materials
- ii puc maths material 2021.pdf
- july 2014.pdf
- july 2015.pdf
- july 2016.pdf
- july 2017.pdf
- july 2018.pdf
- july 2019.pdf
- march 2014.pdf
- march 2015.pdf
- march 2016.pdf
- march 2017.pdf
- march 2018.pdf
- march 2019.pdf
- march 2020.pdf
- model qp - 2 2020 - 2021 .pdf
- model qp -1 2020-2021 .pdf
1st puc materials
- 1 sets.pdf
- 2 r&f.pdf
- 3 trig.pdf
- 4 pmi.pdf
- 5 cn qe.pdf
- 6 linear.pdf
- 7 pc.pdf
- 10 st lines.pdf
- 12 3d.pdf
- 13 ld.pdf
- 16 prob.pdf
- i pu maths qp 2021.pdf
- sample model blue print.pdf
- Karnataka 2nd puc maths board exam solutions-JULY 2017 by ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths board exam solutions-march 2016 by ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths annual exam key answers-july 2015 by ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths annual exam key answers-march 2015 by ramakrishna chalamalasetti .pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths annual exam question paper and solutions eng version MARCH 2019 ramkrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths jan 2019 state level preparatory exam solutions principal-ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths jan 2019 state level preparatory exam solutions-ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths july 2014 annual exam solutions-ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths march 2014 annual exam solutions-ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- 2nd puc maths board exams question papers march 2018 ramakrishna.pdf
- 2nd puc maths model question paper 2018-19 ramakrisha.pdf
- 2nd puc maths model question paper-2 eng version 2018-19 ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- 2nd puc maths model question paper-3 eng version 2018-19 ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- 2nd puc maths model question paper-4 eng version 2018-19 ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths model question paper-5 eng version 2018-19 ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths model question paper-6 eng version 2018-19 ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
- karnataka 2nd puc maths model question paper-7 eng version 2018-19 ramakrishna chalamalasetti.pdf
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