Attempt the Quiz 1 & 2 | Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium Science Quiz program

JawaharLal Nehru Planetarium, Bengaluru has been conducting several programs to enhance interest in Science among school children. This Science Quiz program is one such program.

The second quiz round will start on September 17th at 11 am.

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Full details

​​​​​If you have already taken the preliminary round 1 exam, you may proceed to preliminary round 2.

Please note the deadline for both the preliminary rounds has been extended till 8:00 PM, 17 - 09 - 2023, Sunday.

Quiz Round 2

Quiz Duration : 30 Minutes

No. of Questions : 26 Questions

Start Date: 17 Sep 23, 11:00 AM IST

End Date : 17 Sep 23, 08:00 PM IST

Timelines & Questions:

  • You need to click on the URL link provided in the email to access the quiz.
  • You will be able to browse through the questions.
  • You won’t be able to modify your answers during the assessment. Once you have given your answer, it is stored and cannot be changed.
  • Any participant resorting to unfair practices will be directly disqualified from the Quiz.
  • Assessment Window: 17 Sep 23, 11:00 AM IST to 17 Sep 23, 08:00 PM IST
  • Assessment Duration: 00:30:00 (hh:mm:ss)
  • Total Questions to be answered: 26 Questions
  • You can attempt the assessment anytime between the provided assessment window.
  • Please ensure that you attempt the assessment in one sitting as once you start the assessment, the timer won’t stop.
  • You will have to finish the assessment on or before 17 Sep 23, 08:00 PM IST. To get the complete assessment duration, you need to start the assessment latest by 17 Sep 23, 07:30 PM IST. Otherwise, you’ll get less time to complete the assessment. 


Each participant's ranking will be determined based on the accuracy of their answers. If two participants achieve the same score, the one who completes the assessment in the least amount of time will be ranked higher.

Key Instructions:

  • You can access the assessment from the opportunity page itself where you registered.
  • You'll see a button in the respective round if you've registered to initiate the assessment.
  • Only the person who registered will be able to take the assessment. In case of team registration, the team leader who registered the team will be able to take the assessment.
  • You'll be able to browse through the questions.
  • You'll have to submit answers/code/solutions to all the questions individually.
  • While you are taking the assessment, your answers/code/solutions and time of their submission are also tracked by the system question-wise.
  • You'll be able to modify your answers during the assessment.
  • Any participant resorting to unfair practices will be directly disqualified from the challenge.
  • All decisions in the matter of eligibility, authenticity & final judgment will be with Unstop and the opportunity organizer.

Other instructions from the organizers:

  • All registered teams can play this quiz.
  • There is no negative marking for this quiz.
  • All decisions in the matter of eligibility, authenticity & final judgement will be with Unstop and the organizer.

All the best!

For more information/help call: 9448709066/9686566849 or
For any technical difficulty mail:

Hope this competition will enhance your interest in Science many folds. Wish you all the best

Requesting Creators,

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